Prohibited Items
Partial list of items for sale and services the advertisement of which is NOT permitted on The Lake’s List
- Obscene material or child pornography.
- Offer or solicitation of illegal prostitution and/or sex trafficking.
- Weapons and related items, including but not limited to firearms, disguised, undetectable or switchblade knives, martial arts weapons, scopes, silencers, ammunition, ammunition magazines, BB guns, tear gas or stun guns.
- Items issued to United States Armed Forces that have not been disposed of in accordance with Department of Defense demilitarization policies.
- Fireworks, including but not limited to “safe and sane” fireworks or any destructive devices or explosives.
- Controlled substances or illegal drugs, substances and items used to manufacture controlled substances and drug paraphernalia.
- Alcohol or tobacco products.
- Prescription drugs and medical devices, including but not limited to prescription or contact lenses, defibrillators, hypodermic needles or hearing aids.
- Nonprescription drugs that make false or misleading treatment claims or treatment claims that require FDA approval.
- Restricted or regulated plants and insects, including but not limited to noxious weeds, endangered plant species, or live insects or pests.
- Pet sales (re-homing with small adoption fee ok)
- Stolen property, property with serial number removed/altered, burglary tools, etc
- ID cards, licenses, police insignia, government documents, birth certificates, etc
- Pesticides or hazardous substances, or items containing hazardous substances including but not limited to contaminated toys, or art or craft material containing toxic substances without a warning label.
- Illegal telecommunications equipment, including but not limited to access cards, password sniffers, access card programmers and unloopers, or cable descramblers
- Stolen property, or property with serial number removed or altered.
- Burglary tools, including but not limited to lock-picks or motor vehicle master keys
- False identification cards, items with police insignia, citizenship documents, or birth certificates.
- Counterfeit currency, coins and stamps, tickets, as well as equipment designed to make them.
- Counterfeit, replica, or knock-off brand name goods.
- Material that infringes copyright, including but not limited to software or other digital goods you are not authorized to sell, warez, bootlegs (without consent of the band).
- Airline tickets that restrict transfer, and tickets of any kind that you are not authorized to sell.
- Coupons or gift cards that restrict transfer, and coupons or gift cards which you are not authorized to sell.
- Gambling items, including but not limited to lottery tickets, sports trading card ‘grab bags’, raffle tickets, sweepstakes entries or slot machines.
- Used or rebuilt batteries, or batteries containing mercury.
- Massage services.
- Cribs with drop-down sides.
- Non-packaged food items or adulterated food.
- lottery or raffle tickets, sweepstakes entries, slot machines, gambling items
- spam; miscategorized, overposted, cross-posted, or nonlocal content
- Bulk email or mailing lists that contain names, addresses, phone numbers, or other personal identifying information.
- Any good, service, or content that violates the law or legal rights of others
- No se permiten anuncios de ”amarres, brujeria, hechizos, masages”….Todos los anuncios que contengan este tipo de informacion seran borrados y la cuenta sera blockeada. Si tiene alguna pregunta, comentario o sugerencia por favor contactenos haciendo click aqui
You agree not to post, email, or otherwise make available Content:
1) that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, libelous, invasive of another’s privacy, or is harmful to minors in any way;
2) that is pornographic or depicts a human being engaged in actual sexual conduct including but not limited to (i) sexual intercourse, including genital-genital, oral-genital, anal-genital, or oral-anal, whether between persons of the same or opposite sex, or (ii) bestiality, or (iii) masturbation, or (iv) sadistic or masochistic abuse, or (v) lascivious exhibition of the genitals or pubic area of any person;
3) that harasses, degrades, intimidates or is hateful toward an individual or group of individuals on the basis of religion, gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, age, or disability;
4) that violates the Fair Housing Act by stating, in any notice or ad for the sale or rental of any dwelling, a discriminatory preference based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status or handicap (or violates any state or local law prohibiting discrimination on the basis of these or other characteristics);
6) that violates federal, state, or local equal employment opportunity laws, including but not limited to, stating in any advertisement for employment a preference or requirement based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, or disability.
7) with respect to employers that employ four or more employees, that violates the anti-discrimination provision of the Immigration and Nationality Act, including requiring U.S. citizenship or lawful permanent residency (green card status) as a condition for employment, unless otherwise required in order to comply with law, regulation, executive order, or federal, state, or local government contract.